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Infrared Cameras     Training Programs   Veterinary Imaging

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Animated thermal imaging series showing
                      different conditions

The Value of Temperature Mapping for Humans & Animals
is "established as an outcome measure"
ref. Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine

Images Courtesy of Teletherm Infrared Systems | Research

                                                        infrared thermal
                                                        imaging logo
Quality, Sensitivity, and Consistency Since 1987

"Green Technology for Health Imaging"

For the supportive & non-invasive evaluation of breast, thyroid,
musculoskeletal, cerebral vascular, peripheral vascular, inflammatory
and neoplastic conditions.

Participate in Teletherm's weekly WEBINARS

Online Education Programs

The current and relevant topics for using thermal imaging for health assessments are available in a convenient, online series of affordable programs.
This is an efficient way to learn about medical and veterinary thermography. Provided by experienced educators in clinical infrared.  Technical Certification is given for learning the practical elements and tools for using thermal imaging.

Facial thermal imaging - periorbital
                            region of eyes
Close-up thermal image of eyes and nose.

Thermal Imaging Software
Going beyond the basics of thermal imaging software, ThermReview not only handles the essentials for thermographic readouts, it enhances the experience for those interested in really studying the detail and elements of an image. The standards of presenting temperature ranges, delta T, emissivity, graphing, identification and annotation are easily handled. Adding to that, there are many more features that are not available, or even possible, on other systems.

Worldwide Research
Over 6,000 published papers appear in the medical literature on thermography and thermal imaging.  Some significant work has been compiled and selected from the various health areas.  Work in diabetes, obstetrics, neurology, sports medicine, are just a few of the many important uses for this technology.  It's far beyond just one application for evaluating human body heat.

Thermal heat
                                    image of expectant mother
First thermogram studies of expectant mothers.

Many companies depend upon solid ergonomics programs to ensure good working situations for their employees.  Thermal scans are an important tool for helping determine the physical capacity of the worker in relation to the job requirements.  Quick color pictures confirm work related disorders and repetitive strain injuries.

thermogram heat picture of forearms

Thermal imaging cameras
With the Teletherm TIGER4 infrared camera, the thermal image quality and sensitivity of measurement is unequaled for a radiometric thermal imaging system.  Teletherm is designed specifically for medical and veterinary thermal scans, image post-processing and analysis.

The technology is from a development team with over three decades in this field and specialists with remote infrared passive sensing.

Full spine digital infrared
                                  thermal image of horse
Full spine Teletherm equine thermal image circa 1987

Veterinary thermal imaging
Large and small animals can be evaluated comfortably and easily for all types of conditions that may not be readily observed through conventional means.

Infrared imaging is proving to be very useful in the equine field and dairy industry, among other unique applications such as canine massage therapy, endangered bird research, ocular stress in animals, evaluation of pharmaceutical use, and general veterinary research studies.

Upcoming Seminars
Clinical infrared training seminars are held periodically throughout the year to assist those wanting hands-on experience with thermal imaging camera technology.

The program consists of informative, interactive sessions, with an immersion into the practical and beneficial use of infrared camera technology.

ancient hands

The value of assessing thermal emissions from the body dates back to the ancient Egyptians with their ability to assess the physiological condition by moving their hands over an area.  Hippocrates placed mud-soaked rags across the thorax. Where they dried first was an indicator of disease for him.  Modern physicians have benefited from the discovery of infrared, along with the advances in temperature measurement, optics, electronics and software.

Before & After Studies
Thermal images taken before and after provide an excellent visual testimonial for all types of therapies and products.  See the dynamic benefits of many different health programs.  Observe the efficacy of treatment programs.  See the hottest and coldest areas, as a result of changes in thermal emissions from increased or decreased blood flow. It's an objective, non-invasive and independent view of a particular therapy, and helps with clinical direction.

infrared image
                            before & after acupuncture

A full range of supporting products assist the set-up of a thermal imaging lab or center.  Environmental temperature and humidity loggers, camera stands and performance software contribute to organizing an appropriate facility.

White paper on thermal imaging
for health care use

Email address:
Teletherm Infrared Systems / Research (813) 418-6165 - Tampa, Florida U.S.A.

Contact Name 
What is your application
for this technology?

Do you currently use
an infrared camera?
If yes, what model?

Teletherm Infrared Systems / Research, Asheville, NC - Tampa, FL.  USA  Telephone:  813/418-6165 or email:  All rights are reserved worldwide.

(C) Copyright 2005-2016 Teletherm color palette designon EYESC3, EYECLOSE1, Teletherm Infrared Systems / Research - Asheville, NC - Tampa, FL.  USA.  All rights are reserved worldwide.

Last Update August 2, 2018